The protagonists of the École de Nancy


Haghi (Japon) / 1850 - 1931

Painter, engineer, botanist

The author of several essays on Japanese flora and agriculture, Hokkai Takashima was sent to Nancy by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture. From 1885 to 1888, he attended the École Forestière in Nancy. Also a painter and illustrator, Takashima made friends with many Nancy artists, including Ernest Bussière, Émile Gallé, Victor Prouvé and René Wiener. An exhibition devoted entirely to him was held in Wiener's showcase in 1886, and the following year Takashima took part in the Nancy Salon des Beaux-Arts. Well integrated into the Nancy art scene at the time, Takashima had a particular influence on certain works by Louis Hestaux and Camille Martin, who were very receptive to Japanese art. Takashima stayed in Nancy for the last time in 1889 and gave up his official duties for good in 1899 to devote himself exclusively to painting.

[Translate to English:] Edgar Auguin, Portrait de Tokouso Takacyma, 1887 (c) Palais des ducs de Lorraine - Musée lorrain

[Translate to English:] Edgar Auguin, Portrait de Tokouso Takacyma, 1887 (c) Palais des ducs de Lorraine - Musée lorrain