The protagonists of the École de Nancy


Norroy-les-Pont-à-Mousson / 3 september 1870 – Montricourt / 1963


Camille Gauthier entered the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 1891 after an apprenticeship at the École des Beaux-Arts in Nancy. From 1894 to 1900, he worked for Majorelle as a decorator. He created several furniture designs for him, some of which were presented at the 1900 Universal Exhibition. The following year, he left the Majorelle company and, with the financial help of upholsterer Paul Poinsignon, set up his own furniture factory. At first clearly influenced by Louis Majorelle’s style, the Gauthier-Poinsignoncompany differed in its production methods and target clientele. Modernised workshops, showrooms and catalogues enabled the company to reach a wider clientele than Gallé or Majorelle and to offer modern-inspired furniture at moderate prices.


[Translate to English:] Anonyme, Camille Gauthier, collection particulière

[Translate to English:] Anonyme, Camille Gauthier, collection particulière