The protagonists of the École de Nancy


Gray / December 8, 1859 - Nancy / June 29, 1932

Printer, industrialist of art

Trained in Paris in various printing techniques, Albert Bergeret joined the Nancy printing company Royer in 1886, where he ran the phototypesetting workshop. He left in 1898 to set up his own business with the help of H. Oury and developed a flourishing  postcard manufacturing. Production rose from 25 million cards in 1900 to 75 million three years later. There were several types of postcard: city views, illustrators' cards, fancy and military cards. Bergeret also published menus, brochures, albums and plates as well as various other publications. In 1905, in association with printers Humblot and Helmlinger, Bergeret founded the Imprimeries Réunies. He gave up the business in 1926.

At the 1900 Universal Exhibition, Bergeret won a gold medal in Photography and a silver medal in Typography.

Close to the artists of the École de Nancy, he called on Lucien Weissenburger to build his home on rue Lionnois - he had already solicited Weissenburger to build his new printing works in 1901 - and associated with Eugène Vallin, Louis Majorelle, Victor Prouvé, Jacques Gruber and Joseph Janin. Prouvé and Henri Bergé, among others, also supplied  him with menus, posters and illustrations.

He became a member of the École de Nancy's steering committee from 1901.

[Translate to English:] Victor Prouvé, La famille Bergeret

[Translate to English:] Victor Prouvé, La famille Bergeret